Your cash flow is your total income minus your total spending over a period of time. Total income includes your wages, superannuation, credits, and any other income. Total spending includes all your transactions made to buy and pay for things. Having a positive net position is key to building a healthy financial future.
You can compare your income against your spending in the graph presented in the "Cash Flow" section. You can also compare your cash flow in different timeframes by selecting one of the timeframes located on the right-hand side of the cashflow screen, next to "Net position." You can compare your cash flow on a weekly, monthly, yearly, and a financial year basis.
If you want to exclude certain accounts from the calculation of your net position, simply select the filter icon and exclude the accounts you do not with to include.
You can also see a breakdown of the different sources of income by hitting "income" on the cash flow section. This will show your total income for the selected timeframe, as well as the individual sources of income.
By hitting "Spending," the total spending for the selected timeframe will be presented. Humaniti automatically categorises your transactions into the relevant categories, such as living, shopping, groceries, transport and many more. The spending amount of each category can be seen in terms of a dollar amount or percentage. You can also look further into the different categories of your spending to see the individual transactions.