Your net worth is what you own less what you owe. In other words, your net worth is calculated by subtracting all your liabilities from all of your assets.
Net Worth = Total assets - Total liabilities.
Assets include the funds in your bank accounts, your super funds, share balances, any property and other assets like your car or other investments. Liabilities are debts you owe - including any credit card debt, mortgage debt, car debt and other liabilities you have.
By linking all your bank/super/share trading accounts and manually adding any other assets and liabilities to your Humaniti account, your net worth will be automatically populated for you on your dashboard.
The net worth feature will present your total net worth, and a breakdown of your total assets and total liabilities. This can be presented in a dollar value or percentage breakdown by using the $ or % filter options.
By clicking on the individual categories (bank, super, properties, credit cards, etc.) listed under the assets and liabilities sections, you will also be able to see a further breakdown of each category.
To ensure a complete picture of your net worth, ensure to add all your assets and liabilities.