We understand that by linking your financial accounts with Humaniti, you are trusting us with your data. We sometimes get questions about whether it’s safe to link your accounts and share your data with Humaniti, so we’ve put together this summary to explain how linking works, and how we protect your account and data.
How we link your accounts
Depending on your institution (e.g. CommBank, Westpac, St.George, Sun Super, etc), account linking will be facilitated using read-only transaction fetching technology provided by either Basiq or Illion. Both Basiq and Illion are leading and accredited Australian financial service providers, with secure connections to over 200 financial institutions in Australia. Their technology is used to power hundreds of fintech and banking applications in Australia, including Credit Simple, Zip Pay, Wisr, Beforepay, Regional Australia Bank, and many others.
Why we ask you to enter your credentials
We get it, it might seem a little strange at first when we prompt you to enter your institution login credentials. We need to you to do this so that we can establish a secure connection with your bank.
Without a consented connection to your financial institutions, we cannot offer our personal finance and budgeting products and features to you and you will not qualify for as many surveys. We use anonymous spending patterns to select groups of members for research - e.g. grocery buyers, gym junkies or coffee lovers. Members that link their main accounts receive more surveys, experience less screen outs, earn double pay for every survey, and have more opportunities to earn.
We cannot transact with your account
When you link your accounts, that allows us to establish a secure connection with your institution to fetch data in a read-only format. We cannot login to your account or transact on your behalf.
Security is our #1 priority
The security of your account and data is our #1 priority. Our team at Humaniti are also app users, so we require the same level of assurances that you do that your account and data is safe and protected in the same way as data in the most highly regulated organisations around the world. You can read more in-depth information about our security here: https://www.humaniti.com/security/ .
To link your bank account to your Humaniti profile, follow the below steps:
- Log into the app and go to the home page.
- Click on the plus button which will redirect you to the account linking screen.
- You will be presented with the list of institutions we can connect with. Choose your financial institution.
- After clicking on your institution, you will be taken to the credentials screen. Here you will need to enter your institution login credentials to connect your bank account to Humaniti.
- Once all your details are correctly entered, your bank account will be linked to Humaniti and you will be able to use our personal finance and budgeting features.